The pyramids at Giza

The Roman alphabet is pictographic. The letters of the alphabet are a set of religious symbols derived from Egyptian religion.

The letter A as related to the pyramid on a one-dollar-bill

The Roman alphabet is not derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics. The letters are pictures of Egyptian religious icons.

Isis resurrected Assur from the dead.

According to the foundation legend of Egypt, Assur(Osiris) was the first king of the first kingdom on earth. A company of evil conspirators murdered Assur. They hacked his body into pieces and scattered his severed parts afar. Isis collected the scattered parts of Assur, put them together, and resurrected Assur from the dead. The parts of Assur that Isis gathered have since found their way into our alphabet.

Isis copulated with her resurrected king. From that union she conceived and begat their son, Heru. The "divine kings" of ancient times traced their genealogy to the trinity of gods, Assur, Isis, and Heru. They traced their divinity to the resurrection of Assur. Heru went on to become the male ancestor of the Pharaohs. Isis went on to become the Earth Mother Goddess (i.e. the Pagans' Eve). Assur went on to become King of Heaven, King of Hell, and Judge of the Dead. The Egyptian belief in a life after death and the whole concept of pyramid building in Egypt was founded on the resurrection of Assur.

The classical Judgment scene where Assur wheighs the heart of a deceased person on the scales of Justice.
The scattered parts of Assur that Isis gathered for his resurrection have found their way into our alphabet.

At least 13 of the letters of the Roman alphabet are visible in this segment of the classical Judgment Scene. The large (majuscule) letter "G" represents the head of Assur, the "O" is his eye, the "J" is his beard, The "L" is his leg, and so forth. Parts of Isis are also letters of the alphabet. Other icons in the Judgment Scene that are not body parts are also letters of the alphabet. For instance, the Scales of Justice and the Truth Feather on the scales are letters of the alphabet.

In this discussion, the name "Pagan" refers to a specific Religion, not just rustic country folks as our dictionaries define "pagans".

The conventional theory of the alphabet is that the Roman alphabet is "phonetic." According to the phonetic theory, phonetic writing began in Phoenicia. From there it spread to the rest of the world. The usual story of the Roman alphabet is that Phoenician sailors transported their alphabet to Greece in the process of commercial trade. The Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet for writing Greek. The Romans subsequently "borrowed" the Phoenician alphabet from the Greeks and adapted it to write Latin. Hence, according to conventional theory, the Roman alphabet is Phoenician twice removed.

The phonetic theory is not without basis. The first truly phonetic writing began with the Phoenician alphabet. Although the concept of phonetic writing is involved in Roman and other modern alphabets, the symbols that are letters of the Roman alphabet did not evolve from the Phoenician alphabet. The Roman alphabet is composed of fifty-two pictures. Each letter is a distinct picture having its own meaning related to the Pagan religion.

The pictographic Roman alphabet begins with the symbols for heaven and earth. The large (majuscule) letters are heaven symbols. The small (minuscule) letters are earth symbols. The (majuscule) capital letter A is a picture of the missing capstone from Khufu's pyramid. Letter A is the symbol for heaven. It is the first of the twenty-six heaven symbols.

Letter A and the pyramid from a dollar bill.

The heaven symbol A is a wisdom symbol. The old Pagan religion has sometimes been called the "wisdom religion." Wisdom was the primary virtue of that religion. The Pagans reckoned that wisdom was the main characteristic that separated humans from the lower animals. Pagan art and religion abounds with wisdom symbols.

Eyes, and animals with powerful eyesight, are wisdom symbols in the Pagan religion. "Seeing is believing." People believe the evidence of their eyes. Seeing is knowing. They know what they see. The capstone of the great pyramid represents the eye of God peeking down from heaven as it is pictured on the back of a one-dollar bill. The eye of God symbolizes the peak of heavenly wisdom. The majuscule letter A is the highest wisdom symbol in our alphabet.

The minuscule letter a is a picture of a pregnant woman squatting in the birth giving position.

An artifact of the Aztec goddess Tlazoteol giving birth in the squatting position.

Nowadays, women don't normally give birth in that position, but it was the "natural" way in early times.

An Egyptian birth scene with the mother giving birth in the squatting position.

The majuscule letters are heaven symbols. The minuscule letters are earth symbols. The majuscule letters deal with the affairs of the gods in heaven. The earth symbols deal with the affairs of humankind on earth. The minuscule letter a is the earth symbol in the alphabet. This is mother earth. It is the first of the earth symbols.

In the Romance languages that use the Roman alphabet, the pregnant woman symbol a is the all around feminine gender determinative. Women's names and female gender nouns typically end with the female determinative a. In the Romance languages the earth symbol a is used as an earth determinative in the names of lands. America, China, Ethiopia, and the names of lands all over the earth end with the earth symbol a. The word area ends with the earth symbol a.

Scribes of the Thoth school who created the alphabet tried to coordinate the sounds of the letters with the pictures. Creating pictures of sounds was a challenging task. Creating pictures of sounds that also had the appropriate religious significance was a far more difficult task. In the case of letter a, they succeeded very well. The sound of letter a is the first sound a baby makes upon being born. Aaah is simply the easiest sound to fall from the human throat.

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