Alphabet N ©
Parts of Heru are also letters of the alphabet.The letters of the alphabet are Pagan religious icons derived from the legend of Assur, Isis, and Heru. The capital (majuscule) letters are heaven symbols. The small letters are earth symbols. Heru, the HawkGod, was of heaven. His parts are heaven symbols. The majuscule (capital) letter N is a picture of the striding legs of Heru.
There were many Pagan gods, but the Pagan trinity of family gods were the ancestral deities from whom the Pagans sprung. The Christian "Holy Trinity" is "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." The Christian Holy Trinity has no mother. The Pagan trinity of gods was the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Father was the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost was GodFather Assur who was in heaven. The Mother was Isis who begat the Son by the Holy Ghost, GodFather Assur. The Son, Heru, went on to become the progenitor of the "Divine Kings." Isis went on to become the EarthMother goddess. Assur went on to become the king of the afterlife and judge of the dead. In the beginning, the Genesis of Isis went very slowly. Isis could have only one child at a time. She may have had many children, but she was able to produce only one son who had the full forehead and parted eyebrow that were recognizable characteristics of her genius. All of the Pharaohs, and subsequently, the entire line of "Divine Kings" of the Pagan world were descendants of that one son. Once there was a male heir who could pass the genius genes-of-Isis on to his progeny, the Genesis of Isis went much more swiftly. It is said that King Solomon had a thousand wives. He doubtless had many children. Many of those early kings were prodigious breeders. They were all descendants of Heru, and we are all descendants of one or another of those divine kings. Hence, Heru is the male counterpart of EarthMother Isis. Heru is the universal father of Homo sapiens sapiens, "twice wise" humankind as it now exists. That is why the son, the son, the son, is such an important and cherished figure in Pagan religion and culture. Even though our mitochondrial DNA traces us to a single female ancestress, mathematically there has to be an equal or greater number of universal male ancestors. Isis' father has to be one of them. Heru, the son, is another. We are not all divine kings and divine queens, but we are all descendants of Isis and Heru. Heru was deified as a god for good reason. Assur was the first God. He was the first king of the first kingdom. He was the first deified ancestor. Assur was "once wise." In Pagan religious symbolism, his singular wisdom was in fathering the first hereditary kingdom. Isis was "twice wise," she is the goddess of "double wisdom." She is the archetype of duality in all things. Heru was "thrice wise." He was the god of "triple wisdom." In Pagan religion, "triple wisdom" means "wisdom-in-action." Heru, the HawkGod, was the symbol of "wisdom-in-action." There is no species Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, humans who are thrice-wise. It is doubtful that the son had a full measure of his mother's genius. There has probably been no genius born to this species who was equal to the original Isis. Her genius has been watered down in us. The species Homo sapiens sapiens, humans who are twice wise, are probably only half-wise compared to the original Homo sapien sapien from whom we sprung.
The majuscule letters are heaven symbols having to do with the affairs of the gods. The minuscule letters are earth symbols having to do with the affairs of humans on earth. The earth symbol for a son is not a pair of running legs. The sons might have wished it so, but the scribes of the Thoth school who created the symbols had other ideas. The minuscule letter n is a picture of a scribe or schoolboy.
ADDENDUM #1 The letter n fills a number of determinative roles in our language.In Egyptian hieroglyphics, a pair of striding legs serves as a determinative for coming and going.
Alphabetic writing is a much newer form of writing than hieroglyphics. Egyptian hieroglyphics are about 5000 years old. The twenty-or-so modern alphabets we use probably all began at the college at Alexandria following the conquests of Alexander of Macedonia (c. 320 BCE). Modern alphabetic writing began about 2000 years ago. Alphabetic writing is more streamlined and efficient than hieroglyphics. In alphabetic writing, the determinative is pronounced as part of the word. The letter n fills a number of determinative roles in our language. Heru was the son. In some words and names, the letter n serves as a masculine-gender-determinative. The names Maria and Julia are feminine names. The names Marion and Julian are their masculine counterparts More often, the letter n serves as a son-determinative in words and names. It serves as a son-determinative in the words son, scion, Ibn(Arabic), Van(Dutch), Von(German), -ano(Spanish), and so on. The son-determinative is flexibly applied to names like American, Asian, and Chicagoan. In those names, the place names America, Asia, and Chicago were transformed into persons by adding the son-determinative to the names.
ADDENDUM #2 04/12/2003 Heru was the god of wisdom in action. The syllable -ing is derived from the wisdom in action of Heru.
Scribes of the Thoth school used names of gods and functions of the gods to make names, words, and structural parts of our languages. The functions of the gods gave meanings to the names, words, and structural parts of our languages they created. The letter n represents a son. The minuscule letter g is a picture of a seed sprout. (See Alphabet G page.) Together, the letters n and g represent the son (of Isis) and his seed. The syllable -ing is composed of the son and his seed. Heru, the son, procreated the bloodline of divine kings. Heru, the god of wisdom-in-action, was the all around god of action in Egyptian Pagan religion. The syllable -ing is an all around action symbol in our language. The syllable -ing is a visual language word-picture of Heru doing the procreative activity of planting his seed. Heru doing it is the source of our action syllable -ing. The son and his seed are structural parts of our species, our civilization, and our language. The words Pagan, gene, genus, genius, Genesis, gnosis, gonad, gynecology, and many more words contain symbols for the son and his seed that lend meaning to those words.
Resurrect Isis. Her family is the WorldFamily. Her language is universal language. Her message is universal love.
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