Number 2  ©
Isis was "twice wise." She was the goddess of double wisdom. The Sacred Asp of Isis was her symbol for double wisdom.
The Pagan religion is sometimes known as "the wisdom religion." In the minds of the Pagans, wisdom was the main characteristic that distinguished humans from the other animals. Wisdom and truth were their highest virtues. Their gods were deified ancestors. They revered and deified their ancestors who were wise. Isis was the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens, humans who are twice wise. The cobra diadems often seen striking from the foreheads of Egyptian gods and rulers symbolize their wisdom AND their genealogical relationship to Isis.
According to the foundation legend of Egypt, Thoth was "the scribe of the gods." He was the "inventor of writing and of numbers." Thoth was also the god of scribes. Thoth represents the educated priestly class of Pagan civilizations. They were the priesthood of the temples and the administrative bureaucracy of the governments of divine kings. They were the teachers in the schools; they were the astronomers, calendar makers, timekeepers, accountants, architects, land surveyors, and etc. Those were the people who did all of the writing. Those were the people who created our alphabets and numbers. The scribes of the Thoth school who created our alphabets and numbers used Pagan religious icons for their symbols. Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Roman alphabet, and the Arabic numbers are all products of scribes of the Thoth school. They were all derived from the legend of Isis and Assur.
The Arabic number 2 and the Roman letter S are closely related in form and meaning. Both are depictions of the Sacred Asp of Isis.The sound of letter S is derived from the hiss of the asp. The name Isis is derived from hiss hiss, two hisses of the sacred asp. Adding the letter S, the hiss of the asp, to one noun begets two nouns
The majuscule (capital) letter S is a picture of the Sacred Asp of Isis.
Isis was "twice-wise." She was the goddess of "double-wisdom." The Sacred Asp of Isis was her "double-wisdom" icon. The name Isis is derived from hiss hiss, two hisses of the sacred asp. Isis was the mother of Heru, the Hawk God. The name Heru is derived from ur ur ur, the whirring sound of hawk's wings. Assur was the deified ancestor of both Isis and Heru. The name Assur is a compound of the names Isis and Heru. The name Assur is derived from hiss + ur, the hiss of the asp, and the whirr of hawks wings. The Hawk God and Serpent Goddess were powerful symbols in Pagan religion and culture. The hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings are powerful and meaningful sounds in our languages even to this day. The Serpent Goddess, Isis, is the same person as Biblical Eve who spoke to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. They're both the "mother of all humankind."
Resurrect Isis. The numbers are universal symbols. Let her love and wisdom be universal in the WorldFamily of humankind.
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