Alphabet Q  ©
In cultures all over the world, from ancient times to present day, girls with water jars have been features of daily life. The letter Q is a picture of a water jar.
The majuscule (capital) letter Q represents the vulva of Isis.
The majuscule letters are heaven symbols. Isis is the EarthMother Goddess. The Goddess is of heaven. Parts of the Goddess are heaven symbols. The majuscule letter Q is a picture of the mouth of a water jar with a plume of water pouring forth from it. The mouth of the water jar Q represents the vulva of Isis. The plume of water pouring from the jar represents the natal waters of the Mother Goddess. This is the wellspring of life from which we all sprung.
The minuscule letter q is a picture of a girl carrying a water jar on her head or shoulder.
The imagery of a maiden with a water jar has had romantic significance in cultures all over the world. In many ancient towns and villages the well was the social center of the community. That was where the young maidens made their peer group contacts and discussed their dreams with their friends. That was where the young women assimilated much of their knowledge of feminine lore. That was where boys and girls had a chance to meet away from their homes and parents. It wasn't a place of mating, but many of the preludes to marriage and mating took place at the village well.
ADDENDUM #1 The sound of letter q is derived from the sound of swallowing water. The sound of swallowing water has found its way into many Thothian words and names. For instance, the Latin name for water, aqua, is derived directly from the sound of swallowing water. Some of our near ancestors quenched their thirsts by quaffing tankards of ale. The words quenching and quaffing begin with the water swallowing sound. The words squish and squash also contain the swallowing sound. The name of the plant, squash, was probably originally the name of a drinking gourd that was later applied to a wide variety of plants. In all of the languages that use the Roman alphabet, the letter q is always followed by the letter u. The reason for that is discussed under the letter u. However, the q+u sound is not always convenient in words that use the swallowing sound. Hence the water swallowing sound is not always written with the q+u combination. Sometimes the letters c and k, or ck and ch, are used to convey the swallowing sound. The ch sound in the Scottish Loch Ness is another version of the water swallowing sound. The k sound in the English word lake is also an alternative to the q+u combination.
A period of peace and prosperity followed the Genesis of Isis. There was a "Golden Age."
With the hiss of the asp added to its name, the UrRe became the Uraeus.
Resurrect Isis. Let a new Aquarian Age be born from the womb of the Goddess.
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